From My Journal

Just wanted to share this little excerpt from my journal tonight. I feel like if I blog about this, I am more likely to remember these sweet moments years later.

I feel so richly blessed. Callie was so sweet tonight as I was putting her down, blowing kisses and catching mine. She said, "I love you" over and over, then she told me I was her "best girl." I had recently told her the same. Coleman had the sweetest smiles for me after I nursed him. I put him down, he inserted his thumb, and sucked his way off to sleep. Lord, thank you. Thank you for all your gifts...all your "blood bought gifts." Anything that I get to enjoy in this life and in the eternal life to come, is a gift from you Lord Jesus...a gift I can enjoy because you purchased it for me on the cross. Would you keep us to the end; keep us for eternity with you."


How precious! Brought tears to my eyes.