6 Months
Our 6 month old in his Falcon's gear. Coleman had his 6 month check today. We are thankful to the Lord for our healthy boy. His genetics are catching up with him though. He has dropped to the 33% in weight and 69% in height. He has more than doubled his birth weight though. I know that's a mile marker that most babies reach by the 6 month mark. I guess he is still a little tall for his age but he is no longer a chunky monkey.
Good shot of him sitting up. He has done a good job with his sitting lately. The doctor said he thought he was sitting up really well for his age. It's funny, you'd think with being such a good sitter, that he'd be taking off with eating solids. He is getting the hang of them but very slowly. He is also (as of the past 2 weeks) sleeping through the night. He is no longer swaddled at all, and is really starting to take to his lovie at bed and nap times.
Sweet brother/sister moment