Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Not so typical preschool morning

We had a not so typical preschool morning this morning. It was not typical in a very good way. It was one of those days where I was able to get a ton of stuff done while the kids entertained themselves. I guess if all mornings were like this one I wouldn't know how to appreciate days like today. Anyway, I was able to get up get breakfast for the kids and myself, get callie ready for school, knead bread for our dinner with students tonight, do a cardio workout in the basement all the while Charlie plowed the 6 inches of snow out of the driveway. All this was accomplished by 8:30. I walk upstairs to Callie sweetly reading to her brother and Coleman content to let her entertain him.

We proceed to drive the snowy roads to preschool. Coleman and I get home and he contentedly plays in the kitchen while I make chili for the guys coming over tonight. He builds his little "can tower" all by himself. He then continues to be content and sits on the bathroom floor and eats his snack while I shower. As if that wasn't enough, I get out of the shower to him opening the bathroom cabinet door for me so I could get my hair dryer. He then hands me all my hair brushes. This guy was taking care of his mama! We top the morning off with Coleman playing happily in his crib for 40 minutes while I sit and read my Bible with some hot tea! I simply had to document this morning because it will probably be a long time before I have one that smooth again!

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