Beach Project t-shirts

One of the most exciting parts of the end of Beach Project is the revealing of the t-shirt design. This was exciting for Callie as well. Our ministry got shirts for all of our "staff babies." Though it is a little big for her, she enjoyed wearing it around project for a day and showing it off to students.

Callie and her friends sporting the shirts (Ellie Jane, Annie, Callie, and Maddux). As we were taking these pictures Maddux and Annie started ganging up on Callie at one point and hitting her head.

Callie and her friend Adina. Adina loved hanging out with Callie while they were on beach project this summer.

Callie and her friend James. If Callie wanted to date James in 20 years, I wouldn't be opposed to it. Though i don't know if he would be interested in a girl 21 years younger than him. James is one of the guys that I disciple at Northwestern and has grown tremendously in his faith in the past 3 years.
