One of the goals of our ministry is to see our lives multiplied in and through the lives of the students we minister to. That process is happening this year as the guys that I am spending time with (James, Drew, and Roman) are seeking to minister to others. For example, on Tuesday of this week James was able to have dinner with a freshman named Sean from his hall. As they ate, James asked him questions about his faith and they talked about the gospel together. We are hoping and praying that this will grow into a relationship where they meet regularly to talk about their faith and study the Bible together. Over the past 2 years, James has seen the value of people like myself and other older guys in our ministry pouring our lives into him. He wants to do that same thing with Sean and some of the other guys on his hall. Please pray that our lives and the lives of the students we minister to would continue to be multiplied at Northwestern College.